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zo 13 nov
Sinterklaas 9:30-11:00
Hij komt! Hij komt! Sinterklaas is on his way to Amsterdam - come down to Robbeburg for some Sint themed craft & games, play... and a special treat from Sint and his Pieten!
Sold out
Check other time-slotTijd en locatie
13 nov 2022, 09:30 – 11:00 CET
Amsterdam, Jekerstraat 84, 1078 MG Amsterdam, Netherlands
Over het evenement
1 kid+1 adult
valid for 1 kid over the age of 6 months and an adult
€ 14,00+€ 0,35 servicekostenUitverkocht1 kid+2 adults
valid for 1 kid over the age of 6 months and two adults
€ 18,00+€ 0,45 servicekostenUitverkocht2 kids+2 adults
valid for 2 kids over the age of 6 months+2 adults
€ 25,00+€ 0,63 servicekostenUitverkocht
Dit evenement is uitverkocht
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